Critical Reflection

This is my first blog, and it all started out from me listening to a podcast (click to listen ~36min) about Critical Reflection. In the podcast, they mentioned journaling, and so I thought a blog would works great! This will give me an opportunity to reflect on myself and share my thoughts.

Although I never really “reflect” purposely (like setting time aside for reflection), I have always ponder with deep and even simple thoughts from time to time – you may call it… day-dreaming. But I don’t just contemplate about any pointless random things. I often think about the people in my life, curious what my good friends who live in other states are doing now, recalling what my work schedule will be for tomorrow morning, thinking about what to do this weekend, or sometimes… fantasizing a magical world that is complete and fascinating so I can use it to write my own fantasy novel one day… one day… you got to start out with a dream… only if you dream first, then reality can be possible.

If you are reading this. I would recommend you to take a few minutes NOW (because it’s now or you never will) to reflect on one thing that you did, or one thought that you had, or one experience, or one interaction that you had with a person. How did you feel about it? How did you react to it? Were you surprise at yourself? Would you do something differently next time to make it better or are you content already?

For me, this podcast listening inspired me to start a blog, and my goal is I hope I can discover more about myself and share my thinking with the rest of the world! I hope I will maintain this and establish a habit to blog as frequently as I can. Supports and comments from viewers would definitely give me the extra push and encouragement to do this!

Thanks for your time 🙂 Remember to smile!

Me listening to a podcast on Reflection, keeping my notes on Word (left screen).

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